Luxury 5 Seater Solar Car Now A Reality
The Eindhoven University of Technology team have designed and produced a 5 seater solar car which can travel 130km's per hour, offering commercial potential.
This famous team of Solar Technology experts is showing off the potential of the future vehicle, that will be aesthetically pleasing, combined with comfort.
On a sunny day this car can travel 650miles and only weighs 375kgs.
It has a special parking navigation system to track the sun's position.
This vehicle also houses very small batteries.
The length is 5m and the entire roof is covered with solar panels.
The windows still need to be shatter-proofed with Smash and Grab Safety Security Film, to make sure the driver and passengers are always safe.
These cars would be very efficient here, because of the large amount of sunlight experienced in South Africa during summer and winter.
The quicker the world stops relying on oil for transport the better place this world will be to live in.
Less pollution and less reliance on certain oil giants